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Plus Opioid and LEAP CE - Oct 13 2023
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A Message from the President
Dear Southeastern District Members,
Happy New Year! It is my privilege to serve as your 2023 Southeastern District president. It is an honor to follow Dr. Darron Alvord in this role, who has led our district so well this last year. I look forward to a great year of exciting new events and valuable continuing education.
Let me introduce our 2023 Southeastern district officers:
Dr. Ray Wallace, President-elect
Dr. Josh White, Vice president
Dr. Bryan Benton, Secretary and Treasurer
Dr. Darron Alvord, Past President
We would like to share with you our agenda for the year.
Our first event will be the SEDDS District Officer’s Visit, which will include a 1-hour CE in Managing Dental Emergencies featuring Dr. Michael Pruett. We invite you to the Savannah Yacht Club on Thursday February 2nd at 6:30 pm to meet the district officers and mingle with our new Georgia Dental Association President, Dr. Chris Adkins.
You can register by clicking here.
Other upcoming events include the Hats and Horses Derby Party hosted by the SEDDS benefiting the GDA Foundation, Saturday May 6th at Vic’s on the River. As the philanthropic arm of the GDA, the GDA Foundation provides donated dental care to underserved, at-risk and special needs Georgians through our outreach programs and delivers oral health education programs in schools and in the community. Join us for an afternoon of mint juleps and derby fun!
The GDA Annual Convention will be held at the Omni Orlando Resort at Champions Gate July 13-16th. The southeastern district will host a full day CE event in early fall. More details to come! The fall season multidistrict continuing education event will be held in Atlanta and more details will be forthcoming regarding this event’s CE opportunities, which will include required courses for license renewal.
Lastly, mark your calendars for our annual legislative reception planned for November 30th at the Savannah Golf Club.
Please feel free to contact me or any of our district officers with any questions or concerns. We look forward to serving this year!
Lindsay English, DMD