News from the Capitol

The Legislative Insider is published during the Legislative Session by the Georgia Dental Association. It contains updates on the activities of GDA's Government Affairs team as well as information about bills relevant to dentists and patient care.


May 25, 2016
Establishing a dental home is important - not just for your oral health, but for your entire body.
Davin-180x150Establishing a dental home is important - not just for your oral health, but for your entire body.

Reader's Digest reports on what your teeth can reveal about your body and diseases. The article notes, "Dentists are trained to spot more than just cavities: These red flags of dental problems in your mouth may signal a health issue happening elsewhere in the body." By examining your teeth, dentists could find evidence of diabetes, low bone mineral density, or autoimmune diseases.

Check out the whole list at Reader's Digest online.

In the stories we share in "Because I Saw My Dentist," you can see the impact visiting a dentist has had on real patients in Georgia. And, through, you can find a Georgia Dental Association member dentist near you - and establish your dental home.