Fall 2014pdf , 869 KB
Winter 2013pdf , 881 KB
Winter 2012pdf , 834 KB
Fall 2011pdf , 867 KB
Spring 2012pdf , 837 KB
Winter 2011pdf , 828 KB
Fall 2010pdf , 879 KB
Spring 2014pdf , 890 KB
Winter 2015pdf , 885 KB
Spring 2010pdf , 910 KB
Fall 2012pdf , 894 KB
Fall 2013pdf , 938 KB
Fall 2016pdf , 997 KB
Spring 2015pdf , 994 KB
Winter 2016pdf , 1018 KB
Winter 2014pdf , 942 KB
Spring 2016pdf , 1035 KB
Stay Informed
The SEDDS Newsletter is published four times a year, and reaches member dentists in our 22 county area. To submit an event or suggestion, please contact our editorial team:
Felix Maher, D.M.D. Editor, SEDDS Newsletter 5302 Frederick Street Suite 101 Savannah, Ga. 31405 (912) 352-0546 MaherDMD@aol.com |
Beth Sheridan, D.D.S. Assoc. Editor, SEDDS Newsletter 10 Eisenhower Drive BIdg 600 Savannah, Ga. 31406 (912) 354-5559 bethsheridan@bellsouth.net |
Darron R. Alvord, D.M.D. Assoc. Editor, SEDDS Newsletter 7001 Hodgson Memorial Drive Suite 3 Savannah, Ga. 31406 (912) 352-2021 darron@savannahdental.com |